Automobile industry

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The entire frame of the motorcycle is covered, and the outer frame of the vehicle is almost entirely made of plastic products; cars are increasingly being replaced by plastic products, including interior components such as dashboards, storage boxes, etc.

Automobile industry

The entire frame of the motorcycle and the outer frame of the body are almost entirely made of plastic products; cars are increasingly being replaced by plastic products, including interior components such as dashboards, storage boxes, etc.

In the automotive manufacturing field, PBT is widely used to produce components such as bumpers, carburetor components, mudguards, spoilers, spark plug terminal boards, fuel system parts, dashboards, automotive igniters, accelerator and clutch pedals.

The competition between PBT and reinforced PA, PC, and POM in the automotive industry is very fierce. PA is prone to water absorption, and PC's heat resistance and chemical resistance are not as good as PBT. In terms of automotive applications, PBT's water resistance is superior to that of PA, and it will gradually replace PA.

In conditions of relatively high humidity and extreme dampness, moisture can easily lead to reduced plasticity, and corrosion can easily occur at electrical nodes. Modified PBT is often used in such cases. At 80 degrees and 90% relative humidity, PBT can still be used normally and performs very well.


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