• Product description
  • Specific applications
  • PPSUIt is an amorphous thermoplastic with high transparency and high hydrolytic stability. It is a linear polymer with a slight amber color. It is stable against general acids, bases, salts, alcohols, and aliphatic hydrocarbons, except for strong polar solvents, concentrated nitric acid, and sulfuric acid. It is partially soluble in esters and ketones.Aromatic hydrocarbonsSoluble in halogenated hydrocarbonsIt has good rigidity and toughness, is resistant to temperature and thermal oxidation, has excellent creep resistance, is resistant to corrosion from inorganic acids, bases, and salt solutions, is resistant to ionizing radiation, is non-toxic, has good insulation and self-extinguishing properties, and is easy to mold and process.Main characteristics:The characteristics and applications of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) polymerCharacteristics


    PPSUPolyphenylene sulfide is an amorphous thermoplastic:

    High transparency;PSF/PSU/PES/PASFHigh hydrolytic stability: products can withstand repeated steam sterilization (with a lifespan of at least

    1°C steam for

    years)Good rigidity and toughness: can maintain physical and electrical properties over a wide range.

    Continuous use temperature:


    PESUnique flame retardancy, low smoke generation, and chemical resistance, with high melt viscosity during processing, making it easy to produce products with uniform performance.

    ApplicationsPolyphenylene sulfide is mainly used in electronics, food utensils, dairy processing equipment, and some daily necessities, automotive, aerospace, medical, and general industrial sectors, to make various contactors, external plug connectors, transformer insulation parts, controlled silicon caps, insulation sleeves, coil frames, terminal posts, printed circuit boards, bushings, covers, television system components, capacitor films, brush holders, alkaline battery cases, and wire and cable coatings. Polyphenylene sulfide can also be used for protective cover components, electric gears, battery covers, internal and external aircraft components, external protective covers for spacecraft, camera baffles, lighting components, and sensors. It can replace glass and stainless steel for steam trays, coffee containers, microwave cookers, milk containers, milking machine parts, and beverage and food dispensers. In the field of hygiene and medical devices, it is used for surgical trays, sprayers, humidifiers, dental instruments, flow controllers, and laboratory instruments, as well as high-strength adhesives for dental bonding, and for making pump housings, external protective layers for towers, acid-resistant nozzles, pipelines, and valve containers in chemical equipment.

    For more details, please call: 159-8987-7778 or 133-7777-4387PSU):140℃;








    1, suitable for making heat-resistant parts, insulating parts, wear-resistant parts, instrument and meter components, and medical device parts. Polyaryletherketone is suitable for making low-temperature working parts.

    2, polyarylether is commonly used in the electronics and electrical industry for manufacturing integrated circuit boards, coil tube frames, contactors, housings, capacitor films, and high-performance alkaline battery casings.

    3, polyarylether is used in household appliances for microwave oven equipment, coffee heaters, humidifiers, hair dryers, fabric steamers, beverage and food dispensers, dining utensils, water cups, baby bottles, etc. It can also replace non-ferrous metals in precision structural components for watches, photocopiers, cameras, etc.

    4, polyarylether has passed relevant regulations in the fields of medicine and food in the United States and can replace stainless steel products. Due to its characteristics of steam resistance, hydrolysis resistance, non-toxicity, high-temperature steam sterilization, high transparency, and good dimensional stability, it can be used for surgical tool trays, sprayers, fluid controllers, heart valves, defibrillators, gas masks, dental trays, etc.

    For more details, please call: 159-8987-7778 or 133-7777-4387

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