Introduction to Changchun PBT

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PBT, polybutylene terephthalate, also known as poly(p-xylylene terephthalate), is a thermoplastic polyester that is milky white, semi-transparent to opaque, and crystalline in nature.


PBT, polybutylene terephthalate, also known as poly(p-phenylene terephthalate), is abbreviated as PBT, PBTP, or PTMT.

PBT is a milky white, translucent to opaque, crystalline thermoplastic polyester.thermoplasticpolyester.

PBT is made from 1.4-pbtbutylene glycol(1.4-Butylene glycol) andterephthalic acid(PTA) or dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) through polycondensation, and is processed into thermoplastic polyester resin through a mixing process.

Due to its heat resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance, excellent electrical properties, low water absorption, and good gloss, PBT is widely used in electronics, automotive parts, machinery, household goods, etc., and PBT products are also collectively referred to as the five major general-purpose engineering plastics along withPPE,PC,POM,PAand plastics.
